Optimize Warhammer Online
Author :
“Da gears grind, da steam hisses, an’ soon dis big brute of a machine’ll krump any git in its way!”
Smellz, Da Freebootaz
To begin, place your settings as follows in game:
The distance draw on Near will be enough (and consumes too many resources at max)
Play ability effects on Party allows you to not have all the animations of enemies and allies, which gives approximately 20-30 fps.
If normal animations are absolutely not important to you, scrape FPS by setting Animation: Fastest framerate.
Beware : the enemies will have very robotic movements from afar if you do this.
Texture memory cache → Largest, any modern GPU can handle it
The lighting takes on the graphics card, and any medium to recent graphic card will be comfortable.
Post processing is important to generate lights in addition to the Nvidia Container tips to come later.
Go to Esc → General → Gameplay and do this: Shader performance optimization always on
Show combat lightning → None (this causes lag and stutter)
Addons FPS
For Enemy addon, only enable the Group Icons module on your group. Otherwise, your FPS will be impacted if activated across the entire Warband
You can use Fisk UI or Gravord UI instead for example, other good packages exists too.
Absolutely amazing software to increase your FPS! This “magic tool” allows gamers to take advantage of LSFG 3.0, regardless of your hardware.
What does it mean ? Well you can massively increase your fluidity with this program, which will generate the missing FPS. It had been a while since I saw its existence, but after a first conclusive test (144fps all evening) I adopted it.
Buy Lossless Scaling
For example in my case my FPS went to a fixed 144, regardless of the size of the armies present on the screen. Other people who installed the program doubled their FPS from 30 to 60, or from 50 to 100.
Be sure to have a base of 30 fps before buying it (to make framegen work) and to cap your FPS to a fixed value !
Click on “Status” to make sure it has captured Warhammer Online, you should see like the screenshot above